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BEST Baby Flash Cards for 0 to 3, 6, 9 months up to 12 months old

The best way you can start teaching your baby or toddler at home or online is through flash cards.

The ideal age to start your baby's early learning lessons is 0 to 3 months old. However, if your baby or toddler is already 1 or 2 years old and above, it is still never too late.

To start your child's baby flash cards learning lesson, here is what you need to know:

  1. What are the best baby flash cards you need to get?

  2. The reasons for starting your child's learning early.

  3. How do you teach using baby flash cards?

  4. Where can you buy the flash cards?

The essential baby flash cards you need to get...

From 0 to 3 months old, your newborn baby's first flashcards are the "black, white and red flash cards". Also known as infant stimulation flash cards.

Babies at the age of 0 to 3 months old are only able to see objects in a very short distance and can see mostly black and white.

It consists of simple shapes of objects in black, white and red in colour. These flash cards stimulate the visual senses of the baby.

The moment your child is 4 months old, you can start to teach or introduce math, reading, and knowledge flash cards.

You may consider the 178 Days Math Flash Cards Program, where your baby will learn the basics of true value, equations, numerals, problem-solving and more.

And get a huge collection of picture flash cards for your child to learn and expand his knowledge.

Why start your baby flash cards program so early?

  1. School readiness - It is a prerequisite that your toddler has some basic math skills before you send your child to their preschool.

  2. "Learning is part of play and life" - To encourage children to love learning at a very young age.

  3. The younger your child is, the easier it is to teach - According to Glenn Doman, it is very much easier to teach a 1-year-old than a 4-year-old.

  4. "The more words your baby hears over time, the more words he learns.

How do you show flash cards to your baby?

Should you show your baby flash cards fast or slowly?

The way you show the flash cards to your baby depends on the teaching method you are following. If you are following the Glenn Doman Method, Shichida Method or Heguru Education, you must flash at a fast speed.

Usually, flash cards are shown in less than 1 second per card. Glenn Doman mentioned in his book that you should flash as fast as you can. The Shichida and Heguru methods flash as fast as 0.5 seconds per card.

These 3 early learning schools I mentioned have been around for more than 50 years.

Flash cards are part of their learning tools.

You can use baby flash cards online or printable. Today teaching your baby or toddler online is getting more popular.

Where can you get flash cards for your baby?

You need reading flash cards, math dots flash cards and picture flash cards.

  • For reading flashcards, you can look at the Glenn Doman Reading Kit.

  • To expand your baby's knowledge, you need as many flash cards as possible. Do consider saving time by buying flashcards online. You need a lot of flash card materials.

  • For math flash cards, you can consider The 178 Days Math Flash Cards Program. Your baby will learn all the basics from value recognition, numerals (1,2,3,4...) and equations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and a lot more. It is the most complete early learning flash card program.

When considering the age range of your baby or toddler, from newborn up to 3 months, 6, 9, 12 months, or even older, it is crucial to keep in mind the developmental milestones and cognitive abilities specific to each stage. For infants between 0 to 3 months old, their visual and auditory senses are rapidly developing, making it an ideal time to introduce high-contrast images and simple patterns on flashcards to stimulate their growing brains.

As your child progresses to 6 months, they begin to show more curiosity and awareness of their surroundings. At this stage, incorporating flashcards with vibrant colors, basic shapes, and familiar objects can capture their attention and encourage early recognition skills. By 9 months, babies may start to grasp objects and respond to sounds more actively, so interactive flashcards with textures, sounds, and movable parts can enhance their sensory experiences and motor skills development.

When your child reaches 12 months and beyond, their cognitive abilities continue to advance rapidly. Introducing flashcards with numbers, letters, animals, and everyday items can help expand their vocabulary, improve memory retention, and foster a deeper understanding of the world around them. Tailoring the selection of flashcards to align with your child's interests and abilities can make learning a fun and engaging experience for both of you.

Remember, the key is not just the content on the flashcards, but also the quality time spent interacting with your child during these learning sessions. Encourage active participation, provide positive reinforcement, and celebrate their achievements along the way to nurture a love for learning that will benefit them throughout their developmental journey.

There is no need to rush, but as long as you start your baby or toddler's learning early, they will have better brain development and a strong foundation in their learning abilities.

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